Mindfulness at work
The main idea in applying mindfulness in the workplace is to interrupt the automatic flow of life, to pause and reflect, even in moments when the environment demands a quick response.
Discover and learn more about topics like: Why Mindfulness, how-to deal with anxiety, increasing emotional awareness and more..
The main idea in applying mindfulness in the workplace is to interrupt the automatic flow of life, to pause and reflect, even in moments when the environment demands a quick response.
Meditation is a process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. In the last years meditation became so popular, and people started talking more and more about it. In this article we will focus on the health benefits of meditation.
Mindfulness, is a term that was widespread in the last couple of years, but do you know what it means?
Have you ever wondered about the best way to deal with a panic attack? In this article we discuss the definition of a panic attack, and some effective ways to deal with it.
Breathing techniques are so important, and knowing how to use it will be so helpful during your daily life and stressful events.
Insomnia is a common issue that can affect the person’s life in a very negative way, but is there a specific meditation for sleep and can it really help?